
Click on required link to download

All downloads are free for use by existing users of our equipment.

WALLI Source

Walli 3 source zip - approx size 1.6Mb
WALLI 1.034
Walli 3 software zip - approx size 2.3Mb (unzip and then run Setup.exe)
WALLI 2.707
Walli 2.707 software zip - approx size 402Kb (unzip and copy to 1.44 floppy then install from floppy (DOS)
CyRo Source
CyRo source zip - approx size 125K

Cyro software - approx size 257K(unzip and then run install)


Walli 4.003 software for USB self installing executable - approx size 2.7Mb

Remove earlier version of WALLI 4 if upgrading

